Newspost Archive

2007/09/28   Getting to some more requests
Getting to some more of the stuff from the bonus requests on the forum, today's voting bonuses are a followup to a bonus request from last month (an unfriendly fleet arriving to refuel) where Floyd asks them to pay, and starting today, a Rumormonger Idol reunion special!

Thanks for voting, and feel free to add more requests to the list!


  Guest Strip at Zeera the Space Pirate
Be sure to visit Zeera the Space Pirate today (if you haven't already) and see the guest strip I sent in for the 6th birthday festivities there!

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2007/09/26   Voting variety
Some variety is good to keep the voting bonuses interesting, so today's new ones are a sprite strip in which Ebb has a rumor to share, and a bad translation of today's strip.

See that? Variety! Nothing like yesterday's bonuses...


2007/09/25   Some bonuses for voting
Today's voting bonuses: A bad translation of today's strip, and a sprite strip in which Ebb has a rumor to share.

And in other news, Silence in the Darkness on Q16 has its first guest strip today!

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2007/09/23   Comic #1581
Today's comic is the 1581st in the archives.

(After 1541 and 1571, this one was inevitable! I couldn't do 1551 because I don't have one of those, and I didn't think of it at 1531. And the 1531 is a tape drive, anyway.)

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2007/09/22   Comic-specific social bookmarking
There's a new social bookmarking site,, which, unlike the social bookmarking sites I've already got buttons for, is dedicated to bookmarking comic strips. If you'd like to try it out, I've started adding the button for it to the archives here.

In other news, there are two new sprite strips up as today's voting bonuses - in the first one, Round 4 of the simulation tournament finally ends. In the second one, they try to figure out who won. Thanks for voting!

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2007/09/21   Simulation Round 4 continues
A sprite strip in which Round 4 of the security simulation tournament continues and a bad translation of today's strip are up now as today's voting bonuses. (But don't just take my word for that... Vote and see!) :)


2007/09/19   Pirate talk
It's Talk Like A Pirate Day - not much pirate talk going on in today's strip here, but someone's doing it over at Silence in the Darkness on Q16!

In today's two new sprite bonuses, round four continues, and Linton... talks like a pirate. Thanks for voting!

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2007/09/18   With Robbie Rist as Doctor Zee
Some sci-fi TV news some of you might be interested in (maybe those of you who found the site by searching for "Adama Beard?") - It seems Galactica 1980 is going to be released on DVD! According to, it's coming out on December 26th, and the box promotes it as "The Original Battlestar Galactica's Final Season."

It's too bad it's coming out on the 26th! I'm not sure I'd actually buy a copy for myself, but I might have considered buying it for someone else as a Christmas present and then borrowing it... Maybe they were trying to prevent that sort of thing?

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  Another rumormonger sighting
In addition to all their recent extended V3 universe appearances, some rumormongers have popped up in a strip over on the forum for The Mansion Of E, with one of them demonstrating his knowledge of Mansion-style profanity. (So - Warning: Language, I suppose!)

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  Simulation Round 4
Two new sprite strip voting bonuses today: In the first one, one of the rumormongers tries to convince Linton to let him take his place in the next round. And in the second one, the next round. Thanks for voting!


2007/09/15   Rumormongers all the way
Not only are the rumormongers in today's Station V3 strip, they're also in today's strips at Z7, Ebb's Children, and Silence in the Darkness on Q16.

And if that's not enough, they're also in both of today's voting bonuses: A sprite strip in which they discuss the simulation tournament, and a bad translation of today's strip.

Pretty busy day for them!

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2007/09/14   Bonus time
Two new voting bonuses are up: a bad translation of today's strip, and a sprite strip with Round Three of the simulation tournament. Thanks for voting! If you have a bonus request, let me know.


2007/09/13   Comic #1571
Today's comic is the 1571st in the archives. So, to mark the occasion...

(Some of you may have been expecting this today after this photo went up for the 1541st strip 30 days ago...)

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2007/09/12   Bonus Archive re-updated, and updated some more
Apparently isn't pointing to the new host for everyone just yet (and the server at the old host finally went down), since I've been told there were some connection problems here and there this morning. So if you couldn't connect today and were wondering what was going on, maybe you'll see this message in a few days and get the answer to your question!

In other site news, apparently the bonus archive reverted back to where it was before I updated it earlier this month, since my backup of the site was from before I did that. So I've re-updated it, and also added in all the bonuses so far this month except for the two new ones that went up earlier today.

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I see in the site logs that people are visiting here looking for information on - unfortunately, I don't have very much. The server I was on stayed up, so I probably wouldn't even have noticed they were down except it was time to renew a domain name with them! There's a discussion about them on the Web Hosting Talk forums, and another on Slashdot. And apparently their registered agent in Kentucky (where the company was incorporated) just resigned.

Now, for those of you visiting for the comic (no longer hosted on Jatol) and not interested in any of that, there are two new voting bonuses today! A sprite strip in which Linton discusses the possibility of losing every round of the simulation tournament, and a bad translation of today's strip. Thanks for voting!

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2007/09/10   Simulation Round 2
Two new bonuses today: The first one is a sprite strip where Linton's in the second round of the simulation tournament. And how did he prepare for the second round? By releasing a new record, of course!


2007/09/07   Moved
Everything seems to be more or less straightened out now - I've got new hosting (Vexxhost), I've got and pointing at it, and it looks like most of you are seeing the site up and running here now. (And those of you still seeing the site on what's left of Jatol aren't reading this message...)

Today's first bonus is a sprite strip in which Linton finds out the simulation server crashed, and the second one is a very bad translation of today's strip (though the third panel came out okay) - thanks for voting!

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2007/09/05   Two new bonuses
All the talk about hosting and domain problems made a change from posting about new voting bonuses... So now posting about new voting bonuses makes a change from the site problems, right? Today's new bonuses are a sprite strip in which Ebb discusses Linton's security simulation tournament performance with one of the tournament's monsters, and from a (ComicGen) forum discussion, a recent strip re-drawn left-handed. Thanks for voting!


2007/09/04   Live Ostrich
I got the domain name renewed, so Z7, Ebb's Children, Silence in the Darkness on Q16, the forums, etc. are all back online, at least for now. Now I just have to find a new host to move them to, since I don't know how much longer this server is going to stay up!


  Trying to revive a dead Ostrich
As far as I can tell,, the host Station V3 and all the ComicOstrich sites (including Z7, Ebb's Children, Silence in the Darkness on Q16, the forum, etc.) is going (or gone) out of business. The server's still up, at least for now, but I'm going to be moving to another host soon. And unfortunately, they were also the ones I had the domain registered with. I first noticed a problem when I went to their site to renew it, and they weren't there! The domain has now expired, and the company they were partnered with for domain registrations now has a parked domain search/advertising page up at all the ComicOstrich sites. I contacted them yesterday (before they did that), and they told me they've passed my problem on to their partner and to please wait 48 hours (they told some other people formerly on Jatol 24) for a reply from Jatol. I've forwarded one of my bounced emails to Jatol to them to see if that speeds things up at all.

Hopefully this will all be straightened out soon! In the meantime, the current Z7, Ebb's Children, and Silence in the Darkness on Q16 strips can be seen here.


2007/09/02   Bonus Archive Update
The bonus archive has been updated with all the voting bonuses from the past two months (apart from the two new ones that went up yesterday), so if you've missed any (or want to see any of them again!), you can see them now starting here.

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2007/09/01   September State of the Station
August was a pretty busy month here - a lot of people reading through the archives lately. New readers? Looking for answers for the trivia quiz? Going back and re-reading some of your favorite strips? Whoever you are and whatever the reason, thanks for reading! And point your friends here if you think they'll like it! (If not, maybe some new friends...?)

So, about the Station V3 book, and that trivia quiz... Since this is September 1st, I can tell you someone has posted the right answers to the quiz, and will be getting a copy of the 'prototype space pod' version of the book. And since September 1st isn't over yet, you can go see those right answers, post them yourself, and win a copy of the photocopied-and-stapled Station V3 mini-comic I put together for this year's Free Comic Book Day, featuring a slightly revised Third Planet story. Do it now! Or if you'd rather wait for the book, it'll be going on sale later this month. (Of course, you can always get both... That's allowed!)

On the technical side of things, the host I'm on seems to be having a couple problems today - which fortunately aren't affecting things here at this point, but if the site is suddenly gone, that may be the reason. (Of course, if it *is* gone, you most likely aren't reading this.) The LiveJournal feed should be unaffected even if it does disappear, though, so you can always check that. I'll try to get everything back up and running as soon as possible if it does go zap.

And finally, a big Thank You to everyone who voted for Station V3 last month and kept the comic in the Top 100 on TopWebcomics and buzzComix - it does seem to help bring in at least a few new visitors, according to the site logs! I've got two new bonuses up today to get this month started: A sprite strip in which Linton is not especially pleased with how he did in the first round of the Security Simulation Tournament, and a bad translation of today's strip. Thanks for voting, and if you have a bonus request, let me know!

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