2008/08/29   The Starlost
Someone wants me to buy more DVDs, apparently... First they announce Quark is being released, now it's The Starlost!

(Now, if they announce the Logan's Run TV series is coming out next, I'll know something funny is going on...)

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2008/08/06   Quark
I had been wondering if this would ever come out on DVD, since 1978 sci-fi sitcoms that lasted eight episodes aren't likely to be high up on any company's list of priorities... But apparently it is! Quark is coming out on DVD this October. It'll be strange to see it with a decent picture and without commercials!

("Quark is brought to you by... Dawn. Dawn takes grease out of your way!")

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2007/09/18   With Robbie Rist as Doctor Zee
Some sci-fi TV news some of you might be interested in (maybe those of you who found the site by searching for "Adama Beard?") - It seems Galactica 1980 is going to be released on DVD! According to TVShowsonDVD.com, it's coming out on December 26th, and the box promotes it as "The Original Battlestar Galactica's Final Season."

It's too bad it's coming out on the 26th! I'm not sure I'd actually buy a copy for myself, but I might have considered buying it for someone else as a Christmas present and then borrowing it... Maybe they were trying to prevent that sort of thing?

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