Labor Day

Happy Labor Day!

It’s time for some new bonuses – the first one is an alternate version of today’s strip, with the seemingly-required Labor Day comic theme of exploding barbecues. (Also tripe.) The second one is a Rumormonger Idol sprite strip, with a rumor going around about a new judge.

On a different note, Station V3 has been invited to join the sci-fi section of the Palace in the Sky comic group – and so it has!

2 responses to “Labor Day”

  1. dannysmartful says:

    Congrats on the joining the group. Keep up the good work, I found V3 like a year ago and after reading all the old strips in a very short weekend was ready to follow. (daily reader now)

    It would be so cool if V3 became an amusement park-there could be a simulartor ride of all the horrible things that have happend to the station. (LOL)

  2. Tom says:

    Thanks! I’m glad you enjoy the comic.

    The amusement park could be fun, but I’m not sure I’d want to eat at the concession stand! :)

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