Archive for the ‘other things’ Category

Technical Difficulty Day

Monday, June 23rd, 2008

This morning, there was a power blink at home, and the computer reset itself.

At work, I got a call from a remote site that also had a power blink, and they were having problems with a printer because of it.

Later in the day, due to some server configuration work being done, was unavailable for a little while.

Tonight we had our first PodWarp 1999 call-in show – and Talkshoe froze up on us.

Then after that, a thunderstorm knocked me offline for about half an hour.

The site should update automatically at its usual time (about two hours from now), and you can see tomorrow’s strip then. But if anything goes wrong with that, I think I’m going to have to blame Technical Difficulty Day!

Glass Prism

Saturday, June 7th, 2008

File this one under “Bands I never thought I’d get to see” – I’ve got my tickets for the Glass Prism concert at the Scranton Cultural Center tomorrow!

(It’s not the first time they’ve played there – they opened for Vanilla Fudge there about 40 years ago!)

They recorded two albums for RCA – Their first album, “Poe through the Glass Prism,” was released in 1969, and featured (as you might expect from the title) the poetry of Edgar Allen Poe set to rock music. “The Raven” was released as a single, and was a big hit locally. They wrote their own lyrics for the second album, “On Joy And Sorrow,” released in 1970, but the sound was still similar – guitar, bass, drums, and organ. From what I’ve read, they’ll be playing a 90-minute set, with songs from both albums, and some new material.

(And hopefully Ebb won’t steal the tickets on me!)

The other Idol show

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

So, that “Idol” show on TV is winding down for the season… My prediction (really going out on a limb here) is that someone named “David” will win.

But as that one winds down, season 3 of Rumormonger Idol gets round 1 started with the first two contestants, up as today’s new voting bonuses: Contestant 1 and Contestant 2!

And in conclusion…

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

Yesterday’s guest strip was from Robert Cook of The Mansion of E (it wouldn’t be a proper guest week here without his contribution!), and guest week concludes today with a guest strip from Mark Mekkes of Zortic. I’d like to thank them again, and everyone else (Krishna Sadasivam, Kristina Foster, Aaron Lewis, the Fuzznuts crew, and Andreas Gustafsson) who contributed to this year’s guest week!

In other guest art news, there’s a strip (well, one big panel) I drew up now at Jump Leads!

And in unrelated news, I’d like to thank the “Anonymous Benefactors” who have been helping transcribe the Station V3 archives at Oh No Robot – over 82% of the strips are transcribed and searchable now!

Arthur C. Clarke

Saturday, March 22nd, 2008

Sir Arthur C. Clarke died earlier this week at the age of 90 – the last of science fiction’s “Big Three.”

I’m not sure what to say besides the obvious (he’ll be missed), so here’s a picture of a monolith instead:

Get enough of them together in the right spot and they’ll ignite Jupiter!