Comic #1541

I just noticed today’s comic is the 1541st in the archives. So, to mark the occasion…

5 responses to “Comic #1541”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Woooa you still have that!!! O.o

  2. Anonymous says:

    Your are still the packrat! I’m amazed that the damn thing still works(as per the green light)
    Send my regards to all in the dept.

    Mike the Medic
    Former IT guy

  3. Tom says:

    Obviously I had to keep at least one 1541 around! I think there may be one or two more up in the attic with all the disks. (And the VIC-20s, the C64s, the +4s, and the 128…)

    I’m not as much of a packrat at work now, though – I probably threw out at least half of what was in my desk for the move from the 4th floor to the 2nd this month.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Wow, that move took awhile!!! Is dave, esther and the AS/400 moving down too?

  5. Tom says:

    Yep! All one big happy IT department now.

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