On Buffers and Blackouts

I try to keep ahead on Station V3, but it doesn’t always work out that way. At most I’ve had a week of completed strips ahead of time, and usually it’s less than that. Last night was one of those “less than that” times, and as I was finishing up today’s strip, the power went out. A couple candles and a phone call to the power company later, I found out it was because there was a fire in the area (which turned out to be on Ash Street), and the power would be back on in an hour or so. Which it was, and I completed the strip (fortunately I had saved just before the power died), and it was up when it was supposed to be. Of course, I was just lucky the power was back on in time, and I suppose it points out the need to always have at least a couple days’ worth of completed strips uploaded and ready to go.

Or it could have just pointed out the need to have today’s strip done about five minutes earlier… :)

(Or maybe that missing a webcomic update isn’t quite as big a problem in the grand scheme of things as somebody’s house burning down?)

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