Oh, look… Missed a Milestone

Z7‘s 300th strip went up this past Monday! (Not counting the nine Station V3 strips it started out with, which introduced the station – as V3-b – as a temporary substitute for V3, and Gordon as a temporary substitute for Floyd.)

Z7 was originally hosted on DrunkDuck – in fact, I started it partly as a way to give that a try after meeting Chuck and Steve Rowles at one of their Gods of Arr-Kelaan book signings at the Barnes & Noble in Wilkes-Barre. But DrunkDuck went down for a while last year, I had signed up with a Jatol Economy hosting plan for ComicOstrich (and Station V3 a couple months later when I moved off ComicGenesis), and I had written a comic automation script I was using for a V3 and Z7 mirror, so I just moved Z7 over to its current location, and it’s still going. :)

So if you enjoy V3 and haven’t read Z7 yet (or even if you have!), take a look!

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